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You know what’s the hardest thing about keeping your house tidy? Those pesky little details. The everyday tasks that you keep putting off because they seem like such a hassle. You just can’t stand the sight of those grimy floors one more second! But you also can’t bring yourself to spend hours on end cleaning them.

It feels like there has to be some sort of middle ground between utter chaos and triple-digit hour cleaning sessions. The key to faster floor cleaning is breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Here are our top tips for effective ways to clean your floors the quickest way possible:

1. Prep your floors before you start cleaning

There’s a reason people recommend cleaning your kitchen counters before starting on the floors. By getting the biggest, dirtiest areas out of the way first, you can make the rest of the cleaning process go by a lot quicker.

If you’re going to vacuum your floors, it’s best to start with a freshly vacuumed space. This will make it easier to suck up any debris that might have fallen on the floor since your last cleaning.

You should also make sure you have plenty of cleaning supplies at the ready. This will save you from having to walk back and forth between rooms. We recommend having cloths, a broom, and a mop nearby. This way, you can use the broom to quickly sweep up any loose debris or dust bunnies before moving on to the mop and finishing everything off with the cloths.

2. Ditch the traditional mop

Traditional mops are great for getting your floors clean. However, they also suck up a ton of dirty water as you’re mopping. This makes the cleaning process take twice as long as it needs to.

If you’re looking to speed up your mopping routine, ditch the old-fashioned mop in favour of a spin mop. These innovative cleaning tools use your own water supply to wring out any excess liquid quickly. They allow you to scrub away dirt and grime without wasting bucketfuls of water in the process.

If you don’t wish to splurge on a new spin mop, there’s another way to speed up your mopping with less water. All you have to do is wring out your mop cloth before going at your floors. This simple trick will help you clean and dry your mop without having to use lots of water.

3. Use a vacuum with a rotating brush

Vacuums are great for cleaning up lots of different messes. However, not every vacuum is great for every type of mess. If you’re looking to make your vacuum cleaner work harder, swap out its standard cleaning head for a rotating brush. These handy accessories help you eliminate more dirt and debris in less time.

If you’re tackling a bunch of deep-down dirt and grime, we recommend grabbing one of the more powerful models. There are plenty of vacuum cleaners out there that are specially designed to deal with thick, heavy dust and messes. If you’re just cleaning up everyday debris and dust, a more lightweight vacuum will do the trick just as well as a more heavy-duty model.

4. If you’re going to use a mop, go for a lightweight one

There’s a reason the push mops and their rotating counterparts are so popular these days. They’re lightweight, easy to use, and designed to make cleaning faster and easier than ever before.

If you’re going to use a mop to clean your floors, there’s no reason to opt for a heavy model. The lighter the mop, the easier it will be to use and wring out. This means you can clean your floors quicker and with less effort. It will also make cleaning less tiring if you have a bad back or are pregnant.

If your mopping is a particularly heavy-duty task, you can always go for a push mop with a longer handle. This will make it easier to tackle wider areas with fewer strokes.


Cleaning your floors can be a real drag. It’s not something anybody looks forward to doing. The good news is that there are many ways to speed up and simplify the cleaning process, like those mentioned above. This will help you get your floors clean in no time at all.

When you engage OCD for our floor cleaning services, you can count on receiving the greatest outcome. Our team of certified and licensed professionals work carefully and precisely to clean and maintain your floors at a pristine condition. Aside from deep cleaning, our marble floor polishing services and moving out cleaning services in Singapore are also very popular among our clients. Drop us a message today for more information about our first-rate services!


Author belle.lsy

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